Lecture � Campbell, delusion

Greg Detre



DSM IV definition of dlusion

Capgras delusion, anti-evolutionists?, I am dead (Cotard�s), thoughts being inserted into my mind


subjects act on delusions as though ordinary beliefs

but the patient understands the words, seemingly


2 models of the explanation of belief

laws governing beliefs/desires/intentions etc.

in terms of other beliefs/desires etc. that rationalise the belief


role of rationality � psychological explanation as

subsuming phenomena under laws (theory theory, e.g. Fodor)

showing why it�s rational/seemed like a good idea at the time



delusions are un-understandable, cannot be given psychological explanations

because they�re irrational, cannot be explained

see them as epiphenomena of underlying biological disorder, e.g. syphilis



delusions as rational responses to very unusual (i.e. anomalous) experiences

respects the idea that psychological explanation rationalises belief


Young on the Capgras delusion

spouse replaced by imposter

2 visual systems in facial recognition

system of overt recognition

affective response to face

Capgras = opposite of prosopagnosia

recognition vs affective response \ rationally concludes that things are not as they seem


Cotard delusion (Young cont.) � linked with depression + suicide

some kind of affective deficiently to recognised faces

but they link the deficiency to themselves


one patient had (externalising) Capgras/(internalising) Cotard in sequence, depending on whether suspicious/depressive mood


delusions then are broadly rational responses affected in detail by attributional biases (int/externalising)


but why doesn't the patient accept a more plausible belief than Capgras?


Garety � reasoning biases

jump to conclusions with insufficient evidence


Frith on schizophrenia

�words were forced through my lips� � alien control

�it�s like my mind working, but it isn't me� � thought insertion


without the efference copies going to the central monitor, my visual observation will come as a surprise � feel like alien control

he extends to model with conscious thoughts + introspection instead of body movements + visual observation

need a system like this for controlled, planned thought

�/span> formal thought disorder in schizophrenia � incapable of consecutive, connected thought


thus the sense of being the agent of a thought = match at the central comparator between the efference copy + introspection


again, this idea of thoughts from elsewhere is shown as a rational response


why do they think that they thoughts come from somewhere specific (alients, gameshow host etc.)?

Frith doesn't seem to fully explain this

is Frith�s model regressive? isn't the conscious thinking not implicated in the originating executive process behind the motor instructions

but I don't consciously decide what conscious thoughts to have�

could replace/mediate �conscious thoughts� with long-term beliefs, desires, dispositions etc.

could ignore rationality, and just exhibit the delusions as the products of law-governed mental processes

when view someone as irrational, undermine the idea that they understand the words they use

but they seem to act appropriately on the basis of their beliefs



do Cotard patients flip???

if so, doesn't seem like a rational inference�

Campbell thinks that a rapid transition doesn't tell much, but he�s not too sure about the time course

without the efference copy central monitor, are schizophrenics less inhibited???

is Frith�s model biologically plausible???

Frith�s work (cognitive neuroscience of schizophrenia)is about finding biological bases

compare with Jaynes???

Kotard is a generally bewildered emotional state

could part of the problem in discussing consciousness be that we are all subtly different consciously???